
Be Your Own Dentist! See How To Remove The Plaque From Teeth In Just 5 Minutes!

July 07, 2020

4 natural ways of removing plaque from your teeth

  1. Lemon juice
Lemon has great teeth whitening properties and can also remove the tartar buildup from your teeth. However, this method shouldn’t be used often as the acids in the citrus fruit can damage the enamel of your teeth and cause problems. To use the treatment, just mix ½ a cup of lemon juice with ½ a cup of warm water, then swish the solution in your mouth every day for 5 minutes.
Put These 2 Ingredients In Your Coffee. After Just 2 Sips, Your Belly Fat Will Disappear And Your Metabolism Will Be Faster Than Ever!

  1. Strawberries
Strawberries contain special compounds which can easily remove the plaque from your teeth. They are not as corrosive as lemon juice, so you can safely use them often. To remove the plaque from your teeth, just rub them with a strawberry cut in half every day for 7 minutes.
  1. Parsley leaves
Chop some parsley leaves and apply them on your teeth, then leave them to work for 5 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. Repeating the process every day will reduce the plaque on your teeth effectively.
Get Rid Of Face Stains And Make Your Skin Shine In Only 3 Days! (Recipe)
  1. Homemade anti-plaque remedy
Here’s how to prepare an anti-plaque mixture at home:
2 teaspoons of sparkling water
2 teaspoons of baking soda
1 teaspoon of toothpaste
1 tablespoon of water
Preparation and use
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl well until you get a paste, then brush your teeth with it for 4 minutes on a daily basis. Repeat the treatment once a week and your teeth will be free of plaque soon.

3 Day Military Diet- Drop 10lbs in 72 hours- But Does it Work?

July 07, 2020

As you pass your 20’s & 30’s you’ll find that dropping weight quickly is a thing of the past…. or is it? Check out the result’s of the 3 Day Military Diet- touted to be the best diet for dropping 10 pounds of fat in just 3 days time and see if it actually works…
As a Mom of 2, wife of a self-employed blue-collar working man I find that I have little time to myself to work out as I used too. It’s rather frustrating, if I worked out just 3 days a week for an hour, I could maintain a nice 133-136 pounds. That would have been fantastic as I hit 40! Alas, that is not the case. I thought it would be great to give this 3-day military diet a try.

Why’s it called “the Military Diet”?

If you or a loved one has ever been in the military you know that this is NOT how they eat! So where did the name come from? The military diet refers to the discipline it takes to stay on the regimen for three full days without cheating or quitting.

Important Do’s and Don’ts

There are a few things to be aware of though:
First and foremost, You CAN drink as MUCH water as you want during the 3 days, you’re not losing water weight, the diet is not a diuretic aka water diet. The weight you lose should not be due to dehydration of any sort. With that said, NO you CANNOT Drink Soda, Pop, sweetened or flavored drinks of any kind. You CAN have Plain Herbal Teas (no honey, no lemon, no stevia or artificial sweeteners of any kind.
You CAN Have Black Coffee or Tea (no more than 3 cups per day), no creamers, no milk, no non-dairy creamers, etc. The key to this diet working is to be chemically balanced to boost metabolism. Also, make sure if you’re going to drink coffee that you drink the kind WITH caffeine. Decaffeinated coffee is actually pretty horrible for you, health-wise.
We realize that there are food items here that don’t seem particularly healthy such as the hotdogs on day 2- we’re aware of that. They’re there for a reason, do not omit them.
It is NOT recommended to substitute certain items, such as grapefruit, Some foods that are acidic to taste, such as lemon, lime and grapefruit, are rendered alkaline once digested, placing, far less burden on the digestive system as a whole.

Military Diet Plan Day 1

1/2 Grapefruit
1 Slice of Toast
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)
1/2 Cup of Tuna
1 Slice of Toast
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine)
3 ounces of any type of meat
1 cup of green beans
1/2 banana
1 small apple
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Military Diet Plan Day 2

1 egg- scrambled, hard-boiled, poached, etc (Cooked without any Fat)
1 slice of toast
1/2 banana
1 cup of cottage cheese
1 egg- scrambled, hard-boiled, poached, etc (Cooked without any Fat)
5 saltine crackers
2 hot dogs (without bun)
1 cup of broccoli
1/2 cup of carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream

Military Diet Plan Day 3

5 saltine crackers
1 slice of cheddar cheese
1 small apple
1 egg scrambled, hard-boiled, poached, etc (Cooked without any Fat)
1 slice of toast
1 cup of tuna
1/2 banana
1 cup of vanilla ice cream

Military Diet Review

It can be difficult to try a new diet plan, even for just 3 days, so here’s a review of each day of the military diet meal plan as well as my results.
Day 1 Journal Entry: Here’s the thing, I like to eat. I like to try new foods, I like varying flavors; So, the thought of eating these very bland- minimal calorie meals has me scrunching up my eyebrows and hoping I can follow through! In addition to completing day 1, I’ve made a concerted effort to drink more water. In addition to my 2 cups of black coffee, I also drank 72 ounces of water.
Day 2 Journal Entry: Today wasn’t too bad, except that I have not deviated from the original diet plan by a single item! By the time that dinner rolled around, I was feeling the hunger! I kept waiting for my other half to start the grill & cook the hotdogs- but I was ready to eat them raw at that point.
After the main “meal” I happily munched the ice cream with half a banana. It really does seem to make a difference that you’re allowed to eat “junk” with the dinner meal. It seems to shut up the little voice in the back of your head that says “eat, eat”.
As for exercise, I only managed to weed the garden beds and clean up around the yard outside. I didn’t workout out all, but it wasn’t because I didn’t intend to, I just ran out of time.
I’m a bit nervous about tomorrow, the meals are pretty meager. In addition to the 2 mugs of coffee, I also drank 72 ounces of water and 2 mugs of herbal dragon tea. (Unsweetened, 1 calorie per mug).
Day 3 Journal Entry: Too weak to write, just kidding. I’ve never been a big fan of processed foods (especially hotdogs!), I want a big fat salad, hahaha.
Days 4,5,6,7 Journal Entry: The first 3 days of the diet are over, I stuck it out even though on the last day I was pretty hungry and ready to scarf down a big meal. With that in Mind, I lost a grand total of 9 pounds. That’s enough to keep me focused on the next week.
The next four days are “eat normal” days. For me, that means mostly salads, lean meats, and NO sugar, flour, white rice, white potatoes or corn. These items have a tendency to cause intense cravings for me personally.
The point of the diet is that you’re not starving yourself, you’re simply triggering your body to burn calories effectively.
Before substituting the ingredients ask yourself if you REALLY need to, keep in mind that you need to match caloric intake rather than quantity.
Now, Onward to the 2nd time around, don’t substitute more than 1 item per “meal” or you won’t see any results.

Military Diet Substitute

Following the military diet with substitutes is actually pretty easy! There are a number of variations that will work just fine. Here we’ve outlined the best substitutions for each food item, simply choose ONE item as a replacement, not the entire list.
Substitution Ideas for Banana:
2 kiwis
1 c. papaya
2 apricots
plain unsweetened applesauce
Substitution Ideas for the Bread: (Choose ONE)
1/8 cup of sunflower seeds
1/2 cup of whole grain cereal
1/2 high protein bar
1/4 cup of plain yogurt with 1/2 teaspoon of flax seeds
1 tortilla
two rice cakes
Substitution Ideas for Broccoli:
Brussel Sprouts
Substitution Ideas for Carrots:
bell pepper
Substitution Ideas for Cheddar Cheese: (1 slice of cheese= 1 oz)
Cottage Cheese
Substitution for Cottage Cheese
Plain Greek yogurt
Cheddar cheese
Ricotta cheese
Substitution Ideas for Eggs:
1 c. Milk
1 chicken Wing
1/4 c. seeds (or nuts)
2 slices bacon
Substitution Ideas for Green Beans:
any type of leafy green vegetables, such as lettuce, kale or spinach
Substitution Ideas for Hot Dogs: (Match Calories 250-300 Cal max)
Soy Dogs
Turkey Dogs
Tofu Dogs
Vegetarians can use beans, lentils, portobello mushrooms
Substitution Ideas for Tuna:
Lightly grilled sushi grade tuna (either 1/2 or 1 cup, depending on the day of the diet), the same size as 1/2 or 1 cup cottage cheese
boneless skinless chicken breast
plain tofu
almonds or peanuts.
Substitution Ideas for Lean Meat:
portobello mushrooms
Substitution Ideas for the Peanut Butter:;
almond butter
pumpkin butter
soy butter
sunflower seed butter
Two tablespoons of plain sunflower seeds
Substitution Ideas for Saltines: saltine crackers have 13 calories each- using other crackers must not contain sugar and must be equal in calories
Rice Cakes
Substitution Ideas for Vanilla Ice Cream:
1 c. fruit yogurt
1 c. apple juice
Non-Dairy Option: Strawberry, Vanilla or Banana Almond Milk (NOT CHOCOLATE!!)
Acceptable Seasonings:
Black Pepper, Lemon pepper, Tiny amount of Salt. If you can see it glistening on your food, you use too much.
Calories for Day One: approx 1400
1/2 Grapefruit: 45 calories
1 Slice of Toast: 120 calories
2 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter: 200 calories
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine): 5 calories
1/2 Cup of Tuna: 150 calories
1 Slice of Toast: 120 calories
1 cup Coffee or Tea (with caffeine): 5 calories
3 ounces of any type of meat: 300 calories
1 cup of green beans: 35 calories
1/2 banana: 50 calories
1 small apple: 75 calories
1 cup of vanilla ice cream: 300 calories
Calories for Day Two: approx 1200
1 egg 75
1 slice of toast: 120 calories
1/2 banana: 50 calories
1 cup of cottage cheese: 230
1 hard boiled egg: 75 calories
5 saltine crackers: 70 calories
2 hot dogs (without bun): 350 calories
1 cup of broccoli: 35 calories
1/2 cup of carrots: 25
1/2 banana: 50
1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream: 150 calories
Calories for Day Three: approx 1100
5 saltine crackers: 65 calories
1 slice (1 ounce) of cheddar cheese: 120 calories
1 small apple: 75 calories
1 hard boiled egg (or cooked however you like): 75 calories
1 slice of toast: 120 calories
1 cup of tuna: 300 calories
1/2 banana: 50
1 cup of vanilla ice cream: 300 calories
Once you’ve Jump-started your weight loss & powered through your 3-day diet, here’s an actual Fitness plan that you can follow. The creator of the site lost 100 pounds on it and you can too.

Healthy Diet Plans Are a Great Way to Improve Your Life

July 07, 2020

Are you tired of carrying around extra weight? Do you wish that you could find healthy diet plans that would guide you in the right direction? There will never be a better time than now to start taking charge of your wellness and the choices that you make.
Before you start checking out any healthy diet plans, you need to consider what your ultimate goals might be. Are you interested in dropping a lot of weight in fat tissue? Perhaps you need to convert some of those pounds into bulkier muscle tissue. Whether you want to reach a certain realistic clothing size or have goals related to your health, writing it out will help you stay on track.
A healthy lifestyle is essential to permanent weight changes. If you restrict yourself from virtually everything just to wear a certain size, you will fall off the wagon eventually. Not because you are weak, your choice to indulge yourself after a period of harsh times is simply human nature. Instead of focusing on restrictions, focus your energy on inclusions.
For instance, most people think about all of the things that they can’t eat on a particular program. You might even avoid a diet plan or two because they restrict foods that you don’t want to give up. By always thinking about the sweets and the things you can’t buy or order when eating, you are keeping them on your mental radar.
So, how do you use this to make dieting work? The answer is that you think about the enjoyable foods and the health benefits your body receives from eating. If you look at a menu, think about what you can have to eat. Scan menus for the vegetables, whole grains and healthy sources of protein that you are using for greater wellness.
Mental and emotional health is vital to dieting success. If you are suffering in either of these areas, you need to address the problems. Read self-help books, talk to a therapist or join a support group for guidance in letting go of your demons and finding your true happiness in life. You will be amazed to see that caring for yourself at the deepest level releases you from the bondage of your personal demons!
Keeping a journal of your progress will help you to stay on track. Looking back on previous entries will allow you to see how far you have come and gain insight to the choices that you make. You can include as much or as little as you want, such as the foods you eat, moods, weights and measurements.
Although there was a time when the store shelves were primarily stocked with unhealthy processed foods, times are changing. As consumer demand for better food selection grows, you will find it easier and easier to locate delicious and nutritious foods. Along with a positive outlook on life and emotional wellness techniques, healthy foods will allow you to maximize your overall wellness.

The Most Popular Diets You Can Try

July 07, 2020

Weight loss diets are very important for a person trying to lose weight. While physical activities like exercising, swimming etc. help in losing weight, the importance of a healthy diet cannot be ignored. Because if you're not eating healthy, it can jeopardize your entire weight reduction program. If you're consuming too much fat or calories while eating, you're not going to achieve your goals no matter how much you exercise. It is for this reason that various weight loss diets have become so popular over the years.

The Atkins Diet: One of the most popular diets in the world The Atkins Diet tries to eliminate carbohydrates as much as possible from your diet. This is a very effective diet that allows consuming large quantities of protein and fat enriched foods while ensuring that it does not lead to gaining more weight. However, the Atkins Diet is not suitable for everybody and consulting a dietician is recommended to know if this kind of diet is suitable for your body.

The Grapefruit Diet: One of the best known diets for obese people, the advantages of this low-fat, low-calorie diet is enhanced by the inclusion of grape fruits in the diet. This diet is prescribed for persons having a body weight much higher than the average permissible limits.

The South Beach Diet: One of the most successful diets in the world, the South Beach Diet does not try to eliminate fat or carbohydrates from your diet. Instead, it tries to limit the amount of fat and carbohydrates that you're going to take in your food. Working on the glycemic index the diet restricts your carbohydrate intake for the initial two week period and then re-introduces those carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. A person following the South Beach Diet should eat three healthy meals daily along with some healthy snacks.

The Cabbage Soup Diet: A highly effective weight loss diet, this keeps the carbohydrate levels in your food to a bare minimum. A person taking this diet for only a week is guaranteed to see effective results. The more amount of cabbage soup that you consume, the more fast and effective will be your weight loss results.

The Subway Diet: People who love eating sandwiches would love taking this diet. The low fat content of the Subway sandwiches will help you to lose weight effectively. So, stay slim while gorging on Subway sandwiches all day!

The Slim Fast Diet: A highly-effective and superior weight loss diet, it prescribes substituting slim-fast drinks as your breakfast and lunch, instead of taking your regular foods. However, one can eat a regular, healthy dinner while following this diet plan. The low-calorie Slim Fast shakes helps in losing weight extremely fast.

The Three Day Diet: A very effective diet plan, it lets you to lose weight quickly by eating a three day healthy diet prescribed by a dietician. However, you must following this diet strictly to see effective results.

The Beverly Hills Diet: The Beverly Hills Diet helps you to lose weight by taking advantage of the natural chemical reaction that takes place inside our body when food is consumed. A person following this diet has to be very strict in his eating habits as protein needs to go with proteins and carbohydrates with carbohydrates. Though very strict and restrictive in nature, the Beverly Hills Diet leads to a rapid weight loss.

The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: This diet is a sensitive diet and hence it needs to be followed carefully. It is essentially a low-calorie diet that results in faster weight loss.

Negative Calorie Diet: One of the best weight loss diets it includes plenty of healthy vegetables in your diet to lose weight.

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